Sunday, January 2, 2011


“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
~ Winston Churchill

In the first chapter of Joyce Meyer’s new book “Power Thoughts” she writes on the subject of having a positive attitude. By ‘attitude’ she is referring to the system of thoughts, the mental posture, the mindset, or the way of thinking with which a person approaches life. It’s a mental position with regard to a fact or state. Your attitude, whether positive or negative, will determine your destination. Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Your attitude determines your altitude”? This is so true! The word ‘altitude’ is synonymous with the word ‘height’. In other words, your attitude will determine if you’re on the ‘top’ or ‘bottom’. A positive attitude will take you to the top. A negative attitude is a sure way to hit bottom and stay there. Nothing will hinder your success as severely as a negative attitude. For example, let’s say a man on your job has a bad attitude. He complains about everything: “I hate my job…My boss don’t appreciate me…My coworkers are lazy…I’m the only one who does all of the work…I don’t get paid enough...” How can this person ever make it to the top? Who would promote this guy?
“How could a person with those thoughts running through his mind all day ever enjoy work, become a positive employee or make valuable contributions to his company? He can’t – unless he changes his thoughts and develops a better attitude.”
~ Joyce Meyer

Many people blame their circumstance and condition for why they have a bad attitude. You can’t allow your attitude to be molded by situations. If you maintain a positive attitude, it puts you in the right mindset to eventually change your circumstance and condition. And maintaining a positive attitude is not determined by circumstance, but it’s determined by choice.
“It’s up to you. All of us have the privilege and responsibility of choosing our attitudes, no matter what circumstances or situations we find ourselves in.” ~ Joyce Meyer

So it is possible to maintain a positive attitude when you’re going through rough times. The moment that you think it’s not possible, then you’re already defeated before you even start. Rough times don’t last forever. Just make sure that your positive attitude last longer than your troubles.
“Sometimes His blessings come through unexpected circumstances we may view as negative, but if we will keep positive attitudes in the midst of those situations, we will experience the positive results God desires to give us.” ~ Joyce Meyer

So if you’re facing a challenge and you sense your attitude losing altitude, then make an attitude adjustment. It’s all up to you. Just remember that a Positive You is a Powerful You. And a Negative you is Never YOU.

In His Righteousness,

Billie Miller

To Get Your Personal Copy of 'Power Thoughts' By Joyce Meyer, GET IT BELOW FOR 41% OFF!

580366: Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind

By Joyce Meyer / FaithWords

Do you want to improve your life? Change your mind, says Meyer! Sharing 12 "power thoughts" to help retrain your brain, she shows how to achieve success by getting your mind to work for you, not against you. Focus on "God loves me unconditionally," "I am disciplined," and other life changing phrases to experience the life you've always wanted!

A followup to her bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, Power Thoughts is a practical, workbook-style program that compels readers to actively choose positive, empowering thoughts through written exercises, thought prompts, and targeted scriptural "Power Packs" for week-by-week progress. Along the way, readers will learn how to renew their minds and achieve personal goals through the diligent study of God's Word and careful, guided reflection of the 12 Power Thoughts detailed in this book.

1 comment:

  1. “It’s up to you. All of us have the privilege and responsibility of choosing our attitudes, no matter what circumstances or situations we find ourselves in.” ~ Joyce Meyer

    I love this message of choosing our attitudes and outlook, no matter what comes our way.

    I appreciate all you do and the inspiration you're bringing to my life! Thanks Billie!
