Friday, July 30, 2010


"You must realize that obstacles are going to come against you and your vision. Even though God gave the vision, that doesn't mean it's going to be easy to obtain. Please don't think that you are exempt from this reality. Trouble isn't going to say about you, 'I guess I'll just leave him alone.' When you decide to be somebody, everything is going to try to get in the way of your vision. You must be prepared for the challenges, for they are coming."
~ Dr. Myles Munroe

One of the biggest deceptions that many people face is believing that's it's going to be easy to fulfill your vision and achieve your dreams. We often look at the success of others, but fail to listen to their whole story. If you listen to anyone who's great, they will tell you there was a time that they had to struggle. There was a period when they had to stretch. They often had to sacrifice. If you fail to listen to that part of the story, then you're deceiving yourself into thinking that success is easy. You admire people's harvest without considering their seed. But how do you expect to reach the same level of success if you don't go through what they went through to get it? You want manifestation without the process. You want harvest without planting seeds. You want results without doing the work. No, no, no, that is deception. Don't fool yourself into thinking that your vision is going to happen by chance. And don't think for one minute that the enemy is not coming, because he's coming. But the Good News is, if you keep trusting in God, you will overcome.

"The righteous person faces many troubles,but the Lord comes to the rescue each time." Psalm 34:19 NLT

So how do you overcome? How do you succeed in your vision? How do you finish the work that God has sent you to do when you're faced with opposition? The answer is - Whatever's in your heart has to be bigger than your troubles.

"The vision in your heart needs to be larger than any opposition that comes against you so you can persist in your life's purpose."
~ Dr. Myles Munroe

If you're going to quit everytime it gets hard, then you'll never win. You need to have the tenacity to withstand every opposition. That's called 'persistence'.

A Man with Vision,

Billie Miller

I pray that the "Billie Reads" Blog has been a blessing to you this month. It's my desire to bring more revelation to this already popular book. If you haven't purchased a personal copy, I advise you to do so. I highly recommend it. Get it wherever books are sold. Or you can purchase it below for 35% off. Next month, we'll be discussing a new book titled, "Put Your Dream to the Test" By John Maxwell. I'm looking forward to it. Take care. Stay Up and Stay Blessed.

To Purchase Your Own Personal Copy of 'The Principles and Power of Vision' By Dr. Myles Munroe, GET IT HERE FOR 35% OFF.

89516: Principles And Power Of VisionPrinciples And Power Of Vision

By Dr. Myles Munroe / Whitaker House Publishers

Whether you're a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success isn't dependent on the economy or job market. You don't need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You don't exist just to earn a paycheck and you weren't meant for a mundane or mediocre life. Revive your passion for living! Pursue your dream! Discover your vision, and find your true life.

Friday, July 23, 2010


"No great work was ever done by just one person. Many people are needed to fulfill a vision."~ Dr. Myles Munroe

The above quotation from Myles is so true. No great work was ever done by one person. You may just remember one person's name, but it takes many people to fulfill a vision. God gives you a personal, unique, fingerprint vision. But you need to realize that your 'personal' vision is part of a 'corporate' vision. A good example of this is your local church. Each person has their own 'personal' relationship with God, but they meet 'corporately' in a church building.

"You should not stay away from the church meetings, as some are doing, but you should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the day coming." Hebrews 10:25 NCV

So there's obviously something that happens when you come together that doesn't happen when you're alone. There's something special about corporate anointing. You need to realize that two are better than one. One can put a 1,000 to flight, but two can put 10,000 to flight (Deuteronomy 32:30). So there's something that happens 10 times greater when you connect with others.

"Two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed....Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NLT

Read this carefully. God doesn't give a vision to a group. He gives a vision to an individual. That individual shares his or her vision with other people and they see how their personal vision can be incorporated with that vision. They find a place for their vision.

"Personal vision will always be found within a larger corporate vision." ~ Dr. Myles Munroe

A Man with Vision,

Billie Miller

To Purchase Your Own Personal Copy of 'The Principles and Power of Vision' By Dr. Myles Munroe, GET IT HERE FOR 35% OFF.

89516: Principles And Power Of VisionPrinciples And Power Of Vision

By Dr. Myles Munroe / Whitaker House Publishers

Whether you're a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success isn't dependent on the economy or job market. You don't need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You don't exist just to earn a paycheck and you weren't meant for a mundane or mediocre life. Revive your passion for living! Pursue your dream! Discover your vision, and find your true life.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


"You were created to accomplish something that no one else can accomplish."
~ Dr. Myles Munroe

In Dr. Myles Munroe's Book, "The Principles and Power of Vision", he began to explain how God created everything to fulfill a purpose. God is the most purposeful being that exist. He never makes vague inventions. He has a plan and purpose for everything and everyone. God has a plan for YOU.

"You may have been a surprise to your parents, but you were not a surprise to God; He has given you a special purpose to fulfill."
~ Dr. Myles Munroe

God doesn't create you and then try to figure out what He's going to do with you. No. He first determines a purpose, then He creates someone or something to fulfill it. God is in your future right now. God is in our eternity right now. He saw a need and a purpose, then He came back to create you to fulfill it. Your purpose is already completed in God.

"God began to do a good work in you. And I am sure that he will keep on doing it until he has finished it. He will keep on until the day Jesus Christ comes again."
Philippians1:6 WE

You were born to 'start'. You were created to 'begin'. God wouldn't have created you to 'start' if you weren't able to 'finish'. Therefore, you starting is evidence and proof that your purpose is completed. You're here on earth to manifest something that is already finished. God declares the 'end' in the 'beginning'. He begins with the end in mind.

"From the beginning I told you what would happen in the end. A long time ago I told you things that have not yet happened. When I plan something, it happens. What I want to do, I will do."
Isaiah 46:10

"We need to remember His order of working: He first tells us what the end of the matter is to be, and then He backs up and begins the process of fulfilling that end - just as a builder first develops an idea and a blueprint and then starts building."
~ Dr. Myles Munroe

Don't get distracted with the way things look now. Remember, you end looks completely different from your beginning. God is in your future right now, waiting on you to start what He already finished.

In His Righteousness,

Billie Miller

To Purchase Your Own Personal Copy of 'The Principles and Power of Vision' By Dr. Myles Munroe, GET IT HERE FOR 35% OFF.

89516: Principles And Power Of VisionPrinciples And Power Of Vision

By Dr. Myles Munroe / Whitaker House Publishers

Whether you're a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success isn't dependent on the economy or job market. You don't need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You don't exist just to earn a paycheck and you weren't meant for a mundane or mediocre life. Revive your passion for living! Pursue your dream! Discover your vision, and find your true life.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


As I was reading chapter one of Dr. Myles Munroe's book, "The Principles and Power of Vision" I got so much revelation. Let me add my input to the knowledge that's already in the vision book, so God can flood you with revelation.

When God gives you a vision, you become pregnant with it. In the natural, when a woman finds out she's pregnant, there are one of three things that are going to happen. She's either going to abort the child, have the baby, or unfortunately have a miscarriage. Likewise, the same is with people who are pregnant with vision.

1. Some People ABORT Their Vision.
2. Some People MISCARRY Their Vision.
3. Some People Give BIRTH to Their Vision.

These are the people who don't want vision. They don't have any dreams or goals. They don't really care. They just live day to day, que-sera-sera, whatever happens, happens. These are the POOREST people in the world, regardless of how much money they have.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
Proverbs 29:18

To 'Perish' means to reduce to nothing; to reduce to the value zero; to vanish. Therefore, the people who don't have vision will disappear without a trace. These are also the most FORGETTABLE people in the world.

To 'miscarry' means to fail to achieve the intended purpose. Have you ever met a woman who keeps having miscarriages? She is very frustrated, because she wants to have a baby. But something keeps getting in her way. Likewise, people who miscarry their vision want the vision. They have dreams. They have goals. They just don't know how to achieve them. These are the most FRUSTRATED people in the world. Most people fall into this category. You see, they desire a good Life, but they just don't know the proper steps to take to make it come to pass. And because they don't know which steps to take, they tend to fall for Get-Rich-Quick schemes. They are subject to falling for false prophets. They're subject to being exposed to foolishness.

This is the category that you want to be in. These are the Visionaries. A 'Visionary' is a person who has vision and are taking the necessary steps to get there. These are the most UNFORGETTABLE people in the world. Have you ever heard of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? UNFORGETTABLE. Have you ever heard of Albert Einstein? UNFORGETTABLE. Have you ever heard of Jesus? UNFORGETTABLE! And like them, you (right now) should be known for your vision. When I say 'Hershey' what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Chocolate. But 'Hershey' is a person's name. When you hear his name, you don't think of him. You think of his vision. He's known for his vision. When I say, 'Walt Disney', you think of a theme park. But 'Walt Disney' is the name of a man...a man with vision.

What is your vision? When people hear your name, what will they think of? What mark will you leave on this earth?

In His Righteousness,

Billie Miller

To Purchase Your Own Personal Copy of 'The Principles and Power of Vision' By Dr. Myles Munroe, GET IT HERE FOR 35% OFF.

89516: Principles And Power Of VisionPrinciples And Power Of Vision

By Dr. Myles Munroe / Whitaker House Publishers

Whether you're a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success isn't dependent on the economy or job market. You don't need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You don't exist just to earn a paycheck and you weren't meant for a mundane or mediocre life. Revive your passion for living! Pursue your dream! Discover your vision, and find your true life.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Vision Book

One of my favorite books of all time (besides the Bible) is a book called, "The Principles and Power of Vision" by Dr. Myles Munroe. My friends and I call it 'The Vision Book'. I've read a lot of books, but this one has really changed my Life. Therefore, this is the first book that I want to explore. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my BLOG. By doing so, you can LEARN as I LEARN and GROW as I GROW. So make sure that you leave your COMMENTS and continue to FOLLOW my BLOG.

This is an AWESOME book! You can't go wrong with Dr. Myles Munroe. This book will help you to discover your VISION. If you already know your vision, then this book will help you to develop it. Let's start with the introduction, which is titled, 'Life Without Vision'.

"Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart. You can have sight but no vision." - Dr. Myles Munroe

One of the greatest gifts God gave us is not sight, but vision. VISION is the ability to see farther than your physical eyes can look. VISION is seeing the future in your present. It's a mental picture or image of your destiny. And until you discover your vision, you will live an unsatisfied life. You will live a frustrated life. You will live a poor life. The poorest person in the world is a person who doesn't have vision...regardless of how much money he or she has.

"I believe with all my heart that when you have no vision, you will simply relive the past with its disappointments and failures."
- Dr. Myles Munroe

This Book Will Help You Answer Crucial Questions Such as:

1. How can I know what my vision is?
2. What do I do if I have multiple interests?
3. What are some strategies for overcoming hindrances to my vision?
4. How can I set the right priorities for my life?
5. What should I do when others criticize my dream?
6. How can I make my vision a concrete reality?

By the time you finish this book, you will be able to say, 'I can see farther than my eyes can look!' You will be able to see not just what is, but also what can be, so that you can fulfill your personal vision." - Dr. Myles Munroe

In His Righteousness,

Billie Miller

To Purchase Your Own Personal Copy of 'The Principles and Power of Vision' By Dr. Myles Munroe, GET IT HERE FOR 35% OFF!

89516: Principles And Power Of Vision Principles And Power Of Vision

By Dr. Myles Munroe / Whitaker House Publishers

Whether you're a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success isn't dependent on the economy or job market. You don't need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You don't exist just to earn a paycheck and you weren't meant for a mundane or mediocre life. Revive your passion for living! Pursue your dream! Discover your vision, and find your true life.